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Qingdao Ruchang Mining Industry Co.,Ltd

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sodium thioglycolate
sodium thioglycolate
Specification: 20% 40%
Detail: Chemical Name£ºSODIUM THIOGLYCOLATE£¨LIQUID£© Molecular Formula£ºHSCH2COONa Characteristics: Yellow jacinth liquid with high causticity and strong odor, innoxious, well dissolved in water, alcohol and aether. Items features...

potassium amyl xanthate
potassium amyl xanthate
Specification: 90% 85%
Detail: Physicals: Yellow or grey white free flowing powder or pellet with strong odour, soluble in water, decomposing easily when meeting acid and heat. Application: Potassium amyl xanthate is a most powerful collector of Xanthat...
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